Dr. Ahed T. Nahhas, FACC, FASCI, ABVM / Dr. Edward Gildeh, MD
Mon-Fri:8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

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4235 Secor Road
Bldg. 3, 3rd Flr
Toledo, Ohio 43623


Frequently Asked Questions

What is venous disease? How common is it?
Within each of your extremities, including the legs, are a network of veins containing valves along their length that, when normally functioning, help return blood to the heart. When venous disease, or venous insufficiency, occurs, this indicates there has been damage to these veins and they become leaky, failing to properly pump blood back toward the heart. This results in excessive pooling of blood in the legs, which can lead to a variety of symptoms including aching, swelling and pigmentary changes on the skin.

Venous disease is a very common health condition, with over 40 million people affected in the U.S. Venous disease affects both men and women of all ages and risk increases with advancing age. Factors which may increase risk of venous disease include genetic predisposition (family history), jobs requiring prolonged standing, pregnancy, and environmental risks, among others.

What are symptoms of venous disease?

Pooling of blood in the legs secondary to venous disease may lead to a variety of symptoms, including:

  • Swelling
  • Leg aching and cramps
  • Spider veins
  • Itching, numbness or tingling
  • Leg heaviness
  • Spontaneous bleeding from varicose veins
  • Restless legs
  • Skin ulcers
  • Hyperpigmentation- brownish discoloration of the skin
What are the common risk factors for venous disease?

Common risk factors for varicose veins, venous disease and venous insufficiency include:

  • Female
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Family history of Varicose Veins and Venous Disease
  • History of Phlebitis or deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • Jobs that requires standing for long periods
  • History of leg trauma
How do I know I need vein treatment?
If you have any of the above symptoms, it could be indicative of serious venous disease. If your legs have varicose veins, this means blood is not returning from your legs to your heart properly, and may also indicate an increased risk of progressive venous disease. Without proper treatment, you may experience extreme discomfort and serious medical conditions such as ulcers, phlebitis and cellulitis, among others.
How do I know which treatment is best for me and how many treatments will I need?

Treatment plans are discussed during the consultation. All treatment plans are individualized and based upon a variety of factors, including your symptoms, vein anatomy, and most importantly, the severity of vein disease. Likewise, the number of treatments required is also individualized and may be variable.

What happens after my treatment is completed?
After your procedure, most patients can expect to experience significant symptomatic relief within a day or two of treatment. All of our procedures are performed in the outpatient, office setting, and performed under local anesthesia. Patients are able to return to work or drive immediately after the procedure. It is important to follow the verbal and written instructions provided to you by your doctor and care providers for optimal treatment and recovery.
What can I do to prevent varicose veins, venous disease, and venous insufficiency?
Regular exercise and maintenance of a healthy weight are essential in the overall management of venous disease and may prevent or delay onset of disease and reduce symptoms.
I’ve had previous treatments for spider veins, but I’m experiencing new ones in the same area. Is this a deeper problem?
Varicose veins and venous insufficiency are known to be progressive diseases. Spider veins are usually seen as the tip of the iceberg in venous disease, and usually suggest significant underlying venous disease. Clinical examination, coupled with venous ultrasound, can help establish the severity of venous disease and serve as a guide for treatment plans.